Previous RGB Models

RGB Weslake 1975 - 1978

Stuart Jones Stuart Jones

1978 - 1979

RGB Weslake

1981 - 1983

Bob Smith pre-season testing at Deers Leap, Oulton Park, Winter 1982 - © Peter Leslie

The RGB Wasp - 1990

RGB Wasp RGB Wasp RGB Wasp
RGB Wasp

Mike Hose on the RGB Wasp at Donington 28/10/90

The other pictures illustrate the increased size of the Wasp engine compared to that of the Triumph-Weslake and the way the frame was designed around the engine to produce a compact and agile machine that was highly effective in spite of the additional weight..

RGB Weslake 1990

Mike Hose on the RGB Weslake

Mike Hose on the RGB Weslake at Mallory 10/06/90

RGB Weslake - 2005 on

RGB Weslake

RGB Weslake

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